Create An Engaging Facebook Ad Copy



Get High Converting
Compliant Facebook Ads, Fast ⚡

Ads That Can Attract Your Ideal Customer
Like A Magnet 🧲

We’ll take the ad copywriting process, audience research, and image selection off of your hands. We’ll provide ads with the primary goal of attracting your ideal customers, and making them HUNGRY for your offer.
  • Scroll stopping image suggestions that command attention from your target customer.
  • Hyper-focused targeting that is likely to contain your target customers.
  • Ad copy that qualified prospects read and click on.
  • ​Unlimited revisions means we’re not happy until you are.
All you have to do is close them on your side. Sound easy enough? 

The 4 Elements You Need To Crush It On Facebook

  • Ad copy that speaks directly to your target customer.
  • Targeting that is likely to get your ads in front of the right people.
  • An image that stops the scroll so your ideal customer actually reads your ad.
  • An offer that converts. Paid ads aren’t a replacement for an offer people won’t buy.

(also, that basically sums up those $1,000 Facebook ad courses you see on your newsfeed…) 🎤🎤

Cut Out The Guesswork
After helping hundreds of businesses around the world drive better results with their ads through our popular Fiverr gig, we decided to take it a step further…

…and create a service that makes it even easier to get Facebook ads that work.

We believe Facebook ads should be accessible to every business owner and entrepreneur.
The Process Is So Simple, A Kitten Could Do It!

How Our Service Works

1. Place an order

Select the package that matches your requirements.

2. Submit your requirements

We gather some information about your offer and business after checkout.

3. Receive your delivery via email

Sit back and put your feet up! You’ll get your delivery sent straight to your email.

But It Doesn’t Stop There…

  • Each ad with one “lazer targeted” targeting suggestion, so you don’t have to research it yourself, which means you’ll receive a combo that is likely to work which saves you both time and money. 💸
  • Each ad comes with two powerful, curiosity inducing headline suggestions, so you’ll have multiple ways to hook your audience, which means headline testing is simple. 👊
  • Each ad comes with one imagery suggestion, so you don’t have to find one yourself, which means you have to do even less work. ⛱️
  • We provide EVERYTHING you need to start running your ad, so you can get up and running as QUICKLY as possible, which means you can get your campaign out to the market place LIGHTING fast. ⚡

Custom Aura Wants To Make It So All You Have To Do Is Set Up The Ad,
And Watch Qualified Visitors Roll In Like A Sale On Black Friday 👌

Our “Engaging Ad Copy” Process
A.K.A “The Secret Sauce”

1. “Find the magnet”: Deeply research your product, service, and ideal customer, so we know how to speak to them, and how to target them.

2. “Merge”: Fuse our research to your requirements to create a truly compelling copy.

3. “Iterate”: We often go through iterations just to make sure the ad copy is as perfect as can be when you receive it! If you’re unhappy with the copy, we go back to step #1 to revise or re-write the copy.


A percentage of people skip to the bottom of a sales page. Here is a summary:

You’ll get everything you need to run your Facebook ad.

-Ad Copy
-Image Suggestions

Get high converting ads with targeting included to get the best chance of success with your Facebook campaign.

…starting at just 30. Place an order. Submit your requirements. Receive your ad via email. Simple, right?

Additional information


Ad Copy Basic (1 ad), Ad Copy Standard (3 ads), Ad Copy Platinum (5 ads), Ad Copy Custom


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